Monday, 29 September 2014

Influental Acts

  • Johhny Depp as the Mad Hatter -him craeting the character and the story


Tattoo ideas

  • Alice in Wonderland, Mad Hatter, Chesire Car
  • Harry Potter
  • Composers
  • A ballgown
  • Maswuerade dress
  • Bipolar (me undecesive about future job)

Saturday, 27 September 2014

Monday, 8 September 2014


Humans have one basic mold. They are in perfect balance: they are violent and peaceful. The people we call monsters show the violent side.  Us humans we are in a constant battle: who we want to be and who we are. We want to be good, pure, make the right decision and help everyone. But in reality we are violent peaceful beasts reaching for the idol we ourselves have created. The idol being God: someone who is good and redeems all our human qualities.
Those who fight against our violent side without acknowledging it are by definition stupid, they fight against something they don't understand.


 adjective \ˈstü-pəd, ˈstyü-\
: not intelligent : having or showing a lack of ability to learn and understand things
: not sensible or logical
: not able to think normally because you are drunk, tired, etc.
Now don't go thinking I have an emotional preference to the violent side, just don't think or attack me on what I think. I am stating a fact.

We do not crave peace. We crave for the fight for peace.

A dream

Muinasjut aka mu unenägu: harry Osborne ja peter Parker ( iseloomutüübid ja välimus sama mis vanas triloogias neil, aga Tglt mitte spidyst tegelased) nad on sõpradegruppis, sellist tüüpi, kes naeravad valjult teevad pranke jne enamvähem nagu jockid usa filmides. Basically Pp & Ho both fall in love with the Same girl, a smart successful on her own girl, the girl chooses Pp. Someone is attacking the city and the girl was doing flight training but her plane was one of the hacked ones ja siis suundu linna. Osaf lennukid juba hävitasid ühe massive silla. Girli lennuk nagu funkaks nornaalselt ja näep, et Pp ja paari teise elud õhus laguneval sillal. Kuidagi päästab ära sealt ja siis ütleb neile, et ta lendab madalamalt, et nad saaksid välja hüppata, sest tal kiire lennukist lahti saada. PP jne hüppavad maha ja tüdruk vaatab kurvalt ppd ja kihutab minema. PP ühes linnaosas on midagi mount rushmorei sarnast (see usa presidenti nägudega mägi), Pp ei näe, aga Girli lennuk tagant suitseb ja see kihutab mäkke ja hävineb. Siis näitab ppd ja ta üritab võimalikult ruttu leida pääsu teisele poole, et sõita lennuväljale ja näha Girli. Ette sõidab üks friendgroupist rikkas kutt, oma topdown autoga, ja Pp hüppab/libiseb üle pagasniku tagumisse istnesse. Nad kihutavad lennujaama poole. Juhikõrval istmes Ho ja ta kuulab muusikat ja istub nii, et vaatab näoga taeva poole. Tema nägi, rt girl suri ja ta kurb.